Sherief Elkatsha was born in the US, raised in Cairo and lives in Brooklyn.

Elkatsha's first documentary, Butts Out, about five smokers and their struggles to quit, received the Best Documentary Award at the 2006 New England Film and Video Festival.

Elkatsha co–directed Egypt: We are Watching You (2007), about pre-revolution politics in Egypt, through eyes of the activist group, "Why Democracy" series.

Elkatsha was the cinematographer for Cairo Garbage (2009), by Mikala Krogh, part of "Cities on Speed".

In 2010, Elkatsha directed music video "Not Write About Boys", Supercute!

He has finished editing his third feature-length documentary Cairo Drive.

Other Media: Brooklyn, Egypt, And SpongeBob
718 222 4727
718 552 6024 (cell)